
CardThrowingTrickShotsisaDudePerfectvideouploadedonJuly17,2017.ThisvideoisaboutcardthrowingtrickshotsmadebyRickSmithJr.asaguest ...,,,UsedinRick'sDudePerfect“CardThrowingTrickShotsPt.1)videoforanumberoftricks,ChromeKingsbyDe'Voarefantasticforboththrowingandplaying ...

Card Throwing Trick Shots | Dude Perfect Wiki

Card Throwing Trick Shots is a Dude Perfect video uploaded on July 17, 2017. This video is about card throwing trick shots made by Rick Smith Jr. as a guest ...

Chrome Kings Carbon Playing Cards

Used in Rick's Dude Perfect “Card Throwing Trick Shots Pt.1) video for a number of tricks, Chrome Kings by De'Vo are fantastic for both throwing and playing ...